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1 Year With Mariah

Hi Stephanie,

This past year has been a bundle of joy with Mariah. She has really learned to be a calm dog in the house, but still shows us her goofy side. There is never a dull moment when she is awake. She enjoys going on long walks with us which she does now perfectly at our side. She still wants to meet people, but will not pull us to go see them. It is adorable to see her around little kids. She will try to make herself look as small as possible with the tail going a mile a minute. When they least expect it she give them a big ole lick.

To help control her energy levels we got her a dog back pack, and she loves it. You can tell she loves have a job to do. In the winter we got a treadmill for her to still be able to walk, and run. It was just way too cold for her to be outside. Surprisingly it only took are about 30 seconds to figure it out. Now there are moment Elise and I will look at each other wondering where Mariah is. We will go upstairs to see she is on the treadmill waiting for us to turn it on.

We started to notice she really uses her nose a lot so now we are looking to get her into tracking. One of the trainers we went to also agreed she would be amazing at it. She also shows a natural ability with agility. Once we get her being able to walk off leash we will peruse the agility. She is a little bit away from that but is working at it.

Thanks for introducing us to a diamond in the rough dog. She has truly brightened up our lives.
